Analyze and design structures
Automate your analysis and design to focus on everyday challenges affecting safety, profitability, and sustainability. Be the engineer that your client, your business, and your planet need you to be.
Structural analysis & design
Unlock a new level of automation, efficiency, and profitability with next-level structural analysis and design solutions.
What do our customers say?
Trusted by industry leaders
Today, and every day since we were founded in 1978, the world's most trusted companies turn to Trimble for a better way to work to be more efficient, productive and profitable.

Engineer what matters with automated analysis and design
Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Tedds
Seamlessly combine design and analysis into one easy and efficient single model-based process.

Connect more workflows
Discover how to effortlessly connect multiple Trimble solutions to streamline workflows. Access the data and applications you need to enhance collaboration and get the job done efficiently.

Learn more about structural analysis and design
Hollingsworth Pack designs for structural safety
Learn how Tekla Tedds and Tekla Structural Designer is streamlining the way Hollingsworth Pack designs and analyzes structures.
Boeing Hangar proves sky is the limit for Tekla
See how the challenges of designing and building this vast aircraft hangar were overcome with Tekla solutions.
LeMessurier taps Tekla Structural Designer for complex projects
Learn how Tekla Structural Designer allows LeMessurier engineers to work from one single model improving efficiency.